My name is Alejandro Garcia Salazar aka. crohum, my first contact with programming world, was around 15 years old, modifying the game dungeon keeper's .txt, to make it more challenging, however, in my youth I decided to study something else.
I am learning programming as autodidact and I'm looking for my first job opportunity in the IT world. I started learning Python, because I'm interested in machine learning and data science, but I would like to learn other backend technologies.
Beyond work, I am passionate about board games and gamification, having studied some courses on the subject. At the moment I play TCG with my son.
I place great importance on job stability and work-life balance in order to maintain creativity and well-being in my life.
Backend & Database:
Tools & Methodologies:
I started to code at April 2024, I'm currently looking for my first job opportunity in IT.
Worked with Agile-Lean schemes (during the board game design workshop I collaborated in) and have implemented the use of Kanban boards and gamified schemes in one of my works.
Have held positions ranging from QA, to Line Supervisor, to Operations Coordinator in the food industry by +17 years.
Working well with others, having been in different parts of a process, has given me insight into understanding the needs of others and being able to work together.
I have been a supervisor for 5 years, leading up to 40 people, achieving objectives and improving processes, all this thanks to the good disposition of the people in my charge.
As a supervisor, during that time, I have had to mediate problems and conflicts among the workers, arriving at good resolutions.
Both as supervisor and coordinator, I needed to calculate the time of the tasks we had pending, using time normalization with three point estimation.
In the perishable food industry, we rely on short-notice orders, so we have to adapt to the orders that come in on a daily basis and act accordingly.
The implementation of Kanban boards in one of my jobs was precisely to create a model for effective communication between departments.
I like to learn and apply my knowledge, I am constantly taking courses to develop my skills and knowledges.
I like hobbies and activities that make me think in new ways and create unexpected solutions, I love LEGO, Board games, and that's why I like programming to.
During life, we all face different problems, from everyday life to work, in the world of board games, we define them as problems that we impose on ourselves to achieve a goal, and that is my philosophy of life.
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